Full Circle…

It was ten days ago that at dawn and dusk, I walked full circle from bottle brush to bottle brush, chasing sunlight with my camera on Pollywog Creek.

For over a week, the photos have been hidden in a draft while I’ve pondered what to do with them.
I’ve been tempted to delete and move on, but I can’t. I don’t know why, I just know I can’t.
It’s like the knowing when God wants you to share a word of encouragement, a verse, or a hug, and the Holy Spirit won’t let you rest until you do, and then the other person says, “You have no idea how much I needed that today.”
So here they are – for that person who needs them today.

7 Responses to “Full Circle…”

  1. Thank-you so much for sharing these.I Would have missed out on some of God's beautiful creation,without these images.I love them and they brightened my day. Blessings,Ruth

  2. Only you can make logs look interesting Patricia. God has definitely given you an eye to see beauty in simplicity and share with others through your writing. I have never been to your Pollywog Creek, but felt as if I was just refreshed by the morning dew with you on this photo journey. Keep Sharing and blessing, Coleen

  3. Chasing the beautiful. We should all spend more time doing it, deliberately. You've inspired me to see things that I wouldn't have noticed before and to see the tiny bits of God invested in His handiwork. "Give us eyes to see…" Thanks!

  4. Oh Patricia – Pollywog Creek is so beautiful – how I love looking at God's creation through your lens. I'm so glad you didn't delete these.

  5. Lovely. Did you dust those flowers with cinnamon and sugar? 😉

  6. "Chasing the beautiful." I like that, Betsy. Yes, Lord, please give us eyes to see.Jeanne, "cinnamon and sugar". Lovely, thank you.Thank you, ladies – for all your sweet comments.

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